This Naija Girl Studios

Impactful Films

African and women’s stories through the lens of a new Canadian 🇨🇦 reality...


Unfolding Dramas

Seeding diverse narratives; bridging 🇳🇬 🇨🇦 storytelling for evolving audiences


Completed Projects

Unveiling evocative experiences through underrepresented storylines

Operation Lights Out: The Story of CANAIRELIEF

In 1969, a special group of Canadians risked life and limb to bring food and medicine to millions of dying children and women in the largest non-governmental War Airlift in human history.A historical documentary project about the Biafran Airlift – a massive and epochal Non-Governmental War Relief Effort, and the specific role played by CANAIRELIEF (led mainly by members of The Presbyterian Church in Canada), in contributing to saving an estimated 1 million lives.

The First Call

After the death of his brother, RICHARD OREKE decides that it is a sign for him to take up the mantle of leadership and reunite his ‘scattered’ family. His extended family with his parents and siblings had been riddled with long-standing disagreements that ran too deep to resolve. He reflects on how simple issues degenerated and became life-long enmity even to death.He is determined to do whatever it takes to repair his family and bring everyone back in love. He is very aware that he doesn’t fully know what this means but he does not care. He sends out a video message to his four children. His plea is simple. Bring your list of offences and be ready to address them. Nothing will be off-limits.

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